

试题 |







  Exercise Six

  Part One

  Questions 1-12

  You will hear the General Manager of Artis Ltd giving her staff instructions about the arrangements for a visit to the company by a group of international agents.

  As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number.

  You will hear the recording twice.






  Briefing notes for visit of foreign agents.

  1. The agents will be brought to Artis ________________________ at 9 a.m.

  2. The agents will need to be taken to the ____________________ by 9.30 a.m.

  Rest of day

  3. The first place for the agents to see is the ______________________.

  4. The second place is the _________________________ departemtn.

  5. In the cafeteria, a video of the new __________________ will be shown.

  6. The last place they will visit will be the ________________________.

  Must remember

  7. All staff must ________________________________.

  8. its necessary to have two ______________ available at all times.

  9. Each agent must be given an ______________________ before the presentation.

  10. The agent from Bolivia needs an ___________________.

  Evening entertainment

  11. The latest time to arrive at the restaurant is _________________.

  12. The _________ will be at 9 p.m.

  Part Two

  Questions 13-22

  You will hear five different people talking about a special training program for their company.

  For each extract, there are two tasks. For task one, choose the person who is speaking from the list A-H. for task two, choose the opinion that each person expresses from the list I-P.

  You will hear the recording twice.

  Task One – PERSON

  For questions 13-17, match the extracts with the people, listed A-H.

  For each extract, choose the person who is speaking.

  Write one letter A-H next to the number of the extract.

  13. ___ Athe sales director

  14. ___ Bthe managing director

  15. ___

  Ca secretary

  16. ___ Da new junior manager

  17. ___ Ethe advertising manager

  Fthe finance director

  Gthe catering manager

  Hthe information technology manager

  Task Two – opinion

  For questions 18-22, match the extracts with what the people say, listed A-H.

  For each extract, choose the opinion expressed.

  Write one letter I-P next to the number of the extract.

  18. ___I there are good ideas, but little of practical value.

  19. ___J the sessions go on too long.

  20. ___K it may be difficult to remember everything.

  21. ___L there are too many specialized sessions.

  22. ___M the eating arrangements should be improved.

  N technology isn’t being given enough importance

  O the training methods are old-fashioned.

  P people expect too much from the program.

  Part Three

  Questions 23-30

  You will hear part of a conversation between two company employees, a woman called Rose and a man called Steve.

  For each question 23 - 30 mark one letter, A, B or C, for the correct answer.

  23 The main benefit of suggestions schemes is that they improve




  24When receiving a suggestion, it’s essential to

  Apublicize it

  Bimplement it

  Cresearch it

  25In this scheme, it will be necessary, to exclude

  Astaff in research and development


  junior staff.

  Csenior management

  26The reward for a successful suggestion will be paid

  Aover a five year period.

  Bafter three years.

  C at a fifth of the total value.

  27When starting the scheme, Rose and Steve will emphasize how it could

  Aincrease sales.

  Bbe enjoyable.

  Chelp promotion.

  28The scheme will be started at

  Aa regional office.

  Bhead office.

  Can offices.

  29Start will make their suggestions by

  A using a special box.

  B sending a memo.

  C telephoning.

  30Rose and Steve will report to the board on

  Athe quality of suggestions.

  Bthe value of suggestions.

  Cthe number of suggestions.

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